Coupon Codes for Valentine’s Sale!

colorful-blocks-spring-promotional-posterAs you guys know, my Valentine’s Day Sale is live starting tomorrow. Basically 2 of my ebooks are going to have a sale on them. The first is Valentine’s Massage which will be on sale for 25% OFF. The other is The Main Dish, the only romance I’ve ever written, that will be on sale for 50% OFF! For more info on the sale, click here.

Here are the coupon codes for Smashwords:

Here are the coupon codes for Barnes & Noble:

Valentine’s Sale!

Valentine’s Day is coming up and I’m going to be having a sale for all my lonely and horny ebook readers. So if you’re like me and don’t have a special someone to get kinky beneath the sheets with, you can still enjoy a little self-love with my ebooks Valentine’s Massage and The Main Dish.

Valentine’s Massage is the perfect kinky read for Valentine’s day and will be on sale for 25% OFF while The Main Dish is the only hot-as-hell dub-con to romance I’ve ever written (so far) and will be on sale for 50% OFF. Both promotions are going to be live from Friday the 12th through Sunday the 14th!

This promotion will be available on both Barnes & Noble and Smashwords! Coupon codes and links will be provided on Thursday the 11th.

For more info on Valentine’s Massage and The Main Dish please check out the Originals/Ebooks tab above.

“Gift” and originals

If you just came here after reading Chapter 2 of Whore for the Duel, then hi, I’m Fin and let me explain what I meant by “gift.”

AO3 will not allow me to speak about monetary support so I have to be a little creative with the words I use. A “gift” is actually a commission. Someone commissioned me to write what happens next in Whore for the Duel, and I thought it would be nice to share it with all of you.

If you came to learn more about my originals, they’re original short stories that I sell online through my ebook store. You can find the “ebook store” tab above. My ebook store has links to where you can buy my books (Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Lot’s Cave, Lulu, etc.) If you want a paperback version, the only book I have so far is Trick or Fuck, an anthology of my Halloween-themed stories. Both of the stories I mentioned in the notes of Whore for the Duel chapter 2 are in it. You can also read those stories separately as ebooks.

If you want to know which stories I was referring to, the vampire one is The Main Dish while the alien one is Alien’s Pet. If you want a synopsis you can check them out on my ebook store. Like I said the tab is in the menu above.

Sorry this had to be explained. Like I said I can’t talk about money on AO3 and I can’t really advertise. This is the only way I can let you guys know about my other stories without getting kicked off AO3.

The Surprise!

Okay, I think it’s about time I tell you guys about the fruits of my labor. As you may know, last October was kind of a big month. I wrote six Halloween-themed ebooks. I don’t know how, but I managed to get them all done. There is a reason why I wrote six short stories that month. I’ve been planning this since September and now I’m proud to announce that it’s complete.

I’ve wanted to make a printed paperback book for a while now, and Trick Or Fuck is the result. Trick Or Fuck is a paperback anthology of all the Halloween stories I wrote back in October. It also includes a seventh story, an anthology exclusive titled Halloween Webcam that can’t be read anywhere else. And there’s one more thing: the book also includes a sample of my most popular ebook, White Slave for BBC. The entire first chapter is in there.

Which leads into my second surprise: I’m planning on turning White Slave for BBC into a paperback as well! It’s currently being edited with a fine-toothed comb, changed up slightly, and a side story about the other slave, Kevin, will be added to the end.

As of right now, I’ll only be selling my paperbacks on Barnes & Noble. Also, Trick Or Fuck, the full anthology, will most-likely not be sold as an ebook. To learn more about it, check out the webpage on Trick Or Fuck here, or buy it here.

cover inside

The First book of the Halloween October Sale is up!

The book is called The Main Dish and it’s already on Smashwords and Barnes & Noble. We’re still waiting on Amazon.

The Main Dish is a gay vampire erotic romance between Allen (the human) and Edmund (the vampire).

Here’s a synopsis: Allen thought it was a prank when a man called in a food order to be delivered to an old, abandoned house one Halloween night. When he opened the door to see pale men with red eyes and Victorian era attire, Allen never expected that it would be him on the menu instead of the lobster lasagna. But did he really mind being Edmund’s main dish when the handsome gentleman was so very talented in the bedroom?

The Main Dish cover

As part of the special, this ebook will be on SALE for 99¢ from now until the end of the month. After the 31st, it will sell for $2.99

If you like Benoit from Life Drinkers (Harry’s Bottle), you’ll LOVE Edmund.

(If you buy it please make sure to leave a review, it would really help me out)

October Specials! (Halloween October Sale)

So I want to write a few Halloween themed erotic ebooks this month. And to celebrate my favorite day of the year (Halloween), they’ll be on sale for 99 cents each! I’m really excited about this. I love Halloween so much.

I’m already almost done the first one. It’s a gay Vampire/human story. It’s probably going to be called The Main Dish, but the title could change.

I also have plans for a few other stories too. All ebooks I write this month will be 99 cents till the end of October!