Banned from Kobo

My ebooks have been officially banned from Kobo.

Is it unfortunate? Yes

Am I surprised? Not really. It was bound to happen eventually. Kobo is far too wholesome for hardcore erotica. They’re basically Kindle’s twin and I was banned from there a while back. Also, Kobo was one of the sites that my ebooks didn’t sell as well on, which is a relief.

You can still get my originals on Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and some are even on Lulu and Lot’s Cave. My name is the same for each site: Fin Fey.

If anyone knows of any other platforms that allow hardcore erotica let me know and I’ll look into them.

Also, don’t forget to get my latest original: The Daddy Cult. You can read more about it and even read the first few pages here.

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